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Lasik Facts

LasikIf you are considering Lasik eye surgery so that you can see clearly without glasses or contact lens, you should research all the information you can before making up your mind. Even though this surgery is very successful and many people are satisfied, there are still risks as this is major surgery. Some basic facts about Lasik eye surgery include:

- Lasik eye surgery is used to alter the shape of the cornea. This surgery aims to remove a small part of the cornea so that light will be refracted properly when it enters the retina. 

- Lasik is performed mainly on those who suffer from nearsightedness, or difficulty seeing objects from far away. This condition is otherwise known as myopia. Those who have astigmatism may also qualify for the surgery.

- If your eyes not healthy or you cannot pass certain eye exams, you will not be given the opportunity to have Lasik eye surgery. This is save you the trouble of having surgery that will not correct your particular eye problem. 

- Lasik is considered an out patient procedure because it will only take about ten or fifteen minutes to correct each eye and because only eye drops are used to make sure the eye is numb before the procedure. Stitches will not be needed. But a special patch should be worn on alternating eyes to prevent infection and prevent you from touching your eyes.

- In order for you to be considered a candidate for Lasik eye surgery you will have to be at least eighteen years of age, you should not be pregnant, taking prescription drugs or other types of drugs, and you should be in good health. 

- After Lasik eye surgery, you may develop inflammation, which could lead to temporary blindness. While there is a procedure to correct this, you may end up seeing more poorly than before when you were wearing glasses.

- Night vision problems, dry eye, soreness, and glare other problems which could result from having the surgery.

There are issues that can result in poor vision from cutting the cornea the wrong way or bacteria getting into the cornea before it has had a chance to heal. You need to weigh these issues with your current eyesight. If it does not bother you to wear glasses or contact lenses, then you may not need this type of surgery.

Choosing a Lasik eye surgeon that has a clean reputation and plenty of experience will help reduce your chances of problems after the surgery. Since only 1% of those who have had the surgery complained of problems seeing after having the surgery, most doctors that perform it must be fine to work with. When choosing a doctor, ask them how long they have been performing the operation, how many patients they have seen, make sure they are using sterile equipment, and ask to see pictures of satisfied patients. This will help put you more at ease and will help in your decision making process.
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